Tuesday 26 March 2013

Iggle Piggle - Nursery Additions

So while I keep myself occupied before the big day, whenever that might be, I continue to work my way through projects to add to the nursery.  What better way than to prepare.  Every minute I spend on a project, taking photo's or sharing this experience, I feel a step closer to meeting him.

When I had Little Miss P, it was so rewarding to create, make and personalise bits for her.  I always thought when it came to having a boy this would be much harder to do.  I have proved myself wrong.

I have gradually advanced the nursery overtime, at each stage considering, creating and including as many handmade projects as I have had the time and ability to consider.  I did spend a lot of time searching and sourcing ideas through pinterest and the like, however, I am now very proud of 'Iggle Piggles' room as  I feel I have incorporated the strong personal and individual stamp we set out to achieve.

One of the last and most important contributions to the nursery has to be the art work of Little Miss P.  This fantastic idea followed the first Nursery post, from one of my fellow S&B friends, the very artistic Mrs W.  (I have to confess I stole the Navy colour for the chimney breast after falling in love with her's when we went for dinner.)  So the idea for a splitter, splatter piece of wall art was born.

After a visit to Hobby Craft for the canvas' and a trip to Wickes to purchase a selection of coordinating tester pots, we set up in the kitchen.  (I strongly recommend waiting for a dry day and doing this outside, I underestimated the mess we would make, especially with Little Miss P's fly fishing technique to splattering!!!)

The best bit is that she is so proud!
She wouldn't sign them though as she said they were 'Iggle Piggles' not hers!  
As I mentioned in my last post I was also keen to include some bunting and a cushion for the latest edition of Simply Crochet and I did it!

The only job I have left now is the cot bumper, which I shall be covering in the lovely spotted fabric from Kids Fabric, same as the blind.

The final addition is obviously 'Iggle Piggle' himself.  Hurry up babes.  We can not wait to show you your new bedroom.  We hope you like it as much as we do.  

Nice to see you again.


  1. It all looks wonderful! Another creative mother/daughter team to add to the family line xx

  2. Oh penny this is so exciting! You make such a lovely nest for your little piglets :-) Congratualtions to you, gareth and poppy! I hope the bubs arrives v.soon xxxx
