Wednesday 29 February 2012

Thrifting - Make do and Mend

Has anyone else noticed how much more expensive things are at the moment. So 'thinking positively' I got thinking recently about adopting much more of a 'make do and mend' attitude to life. 

We are very fortunate to have a wonderful home which is filled with lots of love. However, I have to confess I always seem to want a little bit more! I have a permanent personal shopping wish list, new shoes, a posh frock, designer sunglasses and fabulous handbag. Not to mention all the grand ideas for the home, wallpapered walls, rich voluptuous curtains, storage units, a new bed etc. Here's another confession, I am terribly impatient and want it all now!

More recently I have taken to thrifting! 

According to Wikipedia thrifting 'celebrates the recycling of formerly-owned items, finding new use and new love for vintage material goods which had been thrown out, and the thrill of imagining what the former life of the item was like'. I personally adopted the art (if it is such a thing) of thrifting after a dear friend of mine told me where she found the majority of her beautiful homewares, 'charity shops'. So I thought it can't be too difficult, lets have a go - I love shopping!

I have to admit I had my reservations, why am I buying second hand bits and bobs that someone else has tired of, what am I looking for, where am I going to put it and most importantly do I need it! So I started, just to see if I could do it. I have since discovered that I love it. For me it is an art. The art of thrifting to me is that it is not easy, it takes a lot of patience, spending a little time each week, exploring, searching, in the hope of buying something beautiful. The buying is the best bit. It has for me the same thrill shopping for new stuff, but it costs a fraction of the price.

I consider myself a thrifting beginner, I have just started with a few homeware accessories and most recently fabric remnants. So far I have been amazed by the joy these few bits have brought into our home. 


I have so far purchased photo frames, a jewelry box, fabric and an array of candlesticks. I also managed to pick up a few DVD's and books for Pop's, much to her delight. 

I am not sure if I could stretch to secondhand clothes yet. While I love the idea and look of vintage wear, it is not my style. I would not know where to start looking and I am still a little dubious about the wear, tear and quality of second-hand clothing. Although for those of you who are tempted check out the new DIY projects at Oxfam, for some great ideas and projects to make do and mend your wardrobe. 

One idea I really love, suggested by my dear blogger friend Barberellaaa is a 'clothes swap' with friends. All my friends have wonderful clothes are all very stylish, so I know I could do well out of this!!! 

I stumbled across another blog this week with Top 10 Thrift Tips.

I will be adding a new label to my blog 'make do and mend', I hope to include a number of projects which I will be working on, using old to make new. 

I would also love to hear all about your own ideas and projects. I am more than happy to feature your blog on here to share.

Nice to see you again.


Saturday 18 February 2012

Cherpie Cherpie Cupcakes

All these fresh, frosty mornings and the snow-capped Southdowns in the background, it seems that winter is in full flow here.  It has been chilly, chilly, chilly!

Inspired by a wonderful little Christmas gift and with a mini wildlife fanatic in tow, we have taken it upon ourselves to be at one with nature in our garden, this includes keeping all our feathered friends well fed during this cold snap.

We had been filling our bird bath up with stale bread each time we reached the end of a loaf.  Until my mother shared her concerns me, "you shouldn't feed bread to the birds, they get bloated".  Well we've all been there haven't we!  So knowing exactly how our feathered friends must be feeling, I looked into the diets of birds and settled on some bird friendly seed.

This Monday was playdates once more and it was a really dreary and dull day.  So as we were stuck indoors we agreed there was nothing left to do apart from bake!  But baking of a different kind, baking for birds; Cherpie Cherpie Cupcakes.  This is such an easy recipe and the girls really enjoyed the idea of feeding our feathered friends and keeping them warm.  I did have to watch they didn't lick the bowl as they usually do! 

You will need:

Bird seed
Boiling water
Ribbon or wool
Cupcake cases

Step 1.
Pour out the desired amount of bird seed into a mixing bowl.  We used 500 grams each. 

Step 2.
Empty two sachets of Gelatine powder into a measuring jug and add half a pint of boiling water, stir until it dissolves.  Let the water cool slightly, then little helpers can do the next bit.

Step 3.
Pour the gelatine and water mixture into the mixing bowl, stir into the bird seed mixture.

Step 4.
Lay out the cupcake cases, corresponding to how much mixture you have made. 500 grams made 6 cupcakes, with some left over.

Step 5.
Spoon out the mixture into each cupcake case, make sure each one is full of mixture.  Pack it in.

Step 6.
Get a knitting needle or pencil and poke the wool or ribbon, knotted end down into the mixture.  Fill the whole around the thread and pack it in again.

Step 7.
Leave to dry out in a cool place for 3 hours (ours went in the fridge).  Then gently remove the cupcake cases, turn upside down and leave to dry out again for a couple more hours.

Step 8.
Choose a tree and hang them up.

Step 9.
Grab a garden bench, sit back, drink hot chocolate and wait a while.  I wonder what will we spot?

Last month the RSPB launched the annual Big Garden Birdwatch.  When they ask everyone to get involved in birdwatching on a national scale!  Spend an hour in your garden or local park watching the birds on either Saturday 28, or Sunday 29 January.  All you need is a pen, some scrap paper (or, a printout of their handy bird ID sheet).   All the results are then submitted to the RSPB.  Last year 600000 people got involved.  Isn't that amazing!

We missed it this year and I was gutted, so to make up for it we will share our Cherpie Cherpie Cupcakes with our feathered friends.

Nice to see you again.

Friday 10 February 2012

Orange Valentine Sweethearts

This is a fun baking activity you can do with your child or children at Valentines.  They can put them in a box, wrap them up and pass them onto a cherished one.

You will need:
125g low fat spread
125g light brown sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon of baking powder
zest of one orange
Juice of the orange (2 tablespoons)
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
250g plain flour
Icing sugar to decorate
1 large baking tray
Mixing bowl or mixer
Rolling pin

These orange valentine sweethearts can be cut into 12 -24 biscuits depending on the size of your cutter.

Step 1. 
In a large bowl, mix together the low fat spread, sugar, egg, baking powder, vanilla essence, orange zest and juice.  Whisk until fluffy.

Step 2. 
Stir in the flour until well mixed and then chill the mixture for 2 hours or until firm.

Step 3. 
Preheat oven to Gas Mark 6/ 200/180 fan oven.  Line the baking tray.

Step 4. 
Roll out the dough on a floured surface, cut into shapes and transfer to the baking tray with a palette knife.

Step 5.
Bake for 6-10 minutes until golden around the edges.  Remove from the oven and leave to cool on a wire rack before dusting with icing sugar to decorate.

The Orange Valentine Sweethearts are complete - Congratulations 

Happy Valentines!

Nice to see you again.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Love is... In the Air!

Valentines Day is nearly upon us and I have to admit I do not usually think much of the event.  I have always hoped for (and received) a card and may be a little gift but other than that it comes and goes without fireworks or fuss.

This year though is different, this year it means another excuse for making pretty things to display around the house.

In my search for inspiration I have found some lovely free printables including this love heart and love poster which I intend to frame and spread some further love throughout the house.

Find at The Fickle Pickle

Find at Girl Creative

At the moment I am in the middle of creating a heart garland for the kitchen, soon to be shared.

In the meantime you have to check out Rob Ryan's book, I could have his prints everywhere.

Nice to see you again.