Monday 30 January 2012

A Whole lot of Thinking

As you may have noticed by my short, sweet and very much to the point blog on Sunday 22nd, I hit burn out, big time.  I was shattered, feeling quite low and despite several attempts of support from the other half I was unable to snap out of it.  There were a few tears (for a few days)!

I have been putting myself under too much pressure once more.  Only one month into 2012, I have set myself far too many projects, most of which I want to finish before I have even started.  I can be so very impatient.

When I put myself under pressure it seems that my mind fills with so many thoughts, about everything, anything and all.
This is not healthy thinking and just adds to the pressure I find myself under.   All of this is frequently and completely self-inflicted.

I would like to take my mind of things a little more, learn to switch off.  So know all I need to do is think about how I shall go about this?

This is my current Top 10 Thinking Therapies!

  1. Reading 
  2. Music 
  3. Cross Stitch
  4. Running
  5. Bubble Bath 
  6. Walk in the Woods
  7. Gardening 
  8. A Tidy Home
  9. Thoughts Notepad
  10. A Magazine

So the question I have for you today is how do you all cope with pressure or stress?  What are your strategies, indulgences or hobbies?  I need to clear my mind, no doubt to make room for further thoughts!

Nice to see you again.

Friday 27 January 2012

The Perfect Playdate

You might think I am mad, but I am a great lover of playdates.

We are very lucky and proud to have such a little socialite on our hands, even at such a young age, our daughter has always loved other children.  So now she is old enough we have started having her friends over and I can not tell you how wonderful this is.

There are soooooo many different activities and projects for all ages and abilities.  I have found so many ideas on the internet, through parent forums, blogs and websites.  There are also a number of kits available in the shops now which include resources, activity plans and built in rewards.

Playdates encourage so many important skills and values.
However, the reality is if you are not prepared to playdate, the house will definitely get trashed and there is high probability that there will be tears.

For those of you who are parents among us, I thought I would share some of my ideas with you.  I hope to inspire you to take pleasure in both the planning and hosting of your 'Perfect Playdate'.

The Perfect Playdate
1. Choose a Peer
Do you know the child, have you met before, will they feel comfortable in your presence, are they happy to be left in your company?

2.  Diary
Set a date and fix a time, don't be afraid of  being specific about start and finish.

3. Dietary Requirements
Check food dislikes and allergies, suitable clothing needed for activities, ensure contact details are exchanged
4. Extra's
Are you going out anywhere, will you need a buggy, car seat?  Are they toilet trained? Do you have contact details of the parents, emergency numbers (just in case).

1. Play Areas
Set up a variety of activities in different rooms of the house; cooking in the kitchen, crafts in the dining room, playground games in the garden, dressing up in the bedroom.
Shut doors to the rooms that you do  not want the children to access.

2. Sharing Toys
Remind your child that they are having a friend over who would really like to see and play with lots of toys.  Explain that it is nice to share toys, with friends.  They can play with their toys all other times.  Remove any toys that you think will be a distraction for either party, included any special dolly or comfort blanket.

3. Safety
Make sure all breakable items have been moved to the closed off rooms or out of reach
Always let the children know of the rules in different places; hot oven in the kitchen, road safety out and about, holding hands etc.

4. Toilet
If they are toilet trained then show the peer the toilet or potty as soon as they arrive.  


1. Get Connected
Spend sometime allowing the peer to explore your house and show them all the different objects and activities that are available to them.  Leave the peers alone for some time (observe from a distance).

2. Schedule
Let the children know what is planned for the play date.  Ask them what they want to do, give them plenty of choice in activities and order of play.  Make choices fair.  Ensure there is a refreshment or food break included and lots of fresh air opportunities.

3. Praise
Ensure that there are plenty of times when the children are praised for all good behaviour; following rules, sharing toys, being kind and helping each other, making good choices etc.  Incorporate small rewards; a couple of sweeties should always be allowed on a play date.

4. Activities
The focus on activities should be in variation and choice.  I have collated so many activities for play dates that this will require another blog.  Coming soon, 'Perfect Playdate Activities'.

Home Time
1. Tidy up
Encourage the children to tidy up as they go along.  For one big tidy up at the end though, put on some music or use a timer.  See if they can put everything away before the time is up.

2. Memories
If the peer has made anything during their playdate, send it home.

3. Manners
Always make sure you and your child say...

1. Return and Reciprocate Invitations
The best bit about playdates is you will find yourself with lots of free time as your child's social calendar gets busier with reciprocal invitations.

I would love to hear all your experiences.

Nice to see you again.

Monday 16 January 2012

Revamp a Lamp!

Lampshade Tutorial

You will need:
A lampshade
Fabric (how much will depend on the size of your lampshade)
Spray adhesive
Fabric glue or glue gun
Large table cloth or covering
Trimmings (optional)

This project is so simple yet so effective.
Before and After
Step 1
Lay out the fabric
Roll the lampshade, holding fabric alongside, mark in pencil when the end meets

Most lampshades are cone shaped so make sure you have enough fabric before cutting

Step 2
Iron hem of outside edge

Step 3
Spray wrongside of fabric with spray adhesive
(use a very big table cover or cloth and ensure you are in a well ventilated room - the stuff goes everywhere!)
Spray rightside of the lampshade

Step 4
Carefully place the lampshade on the fabric end
(match to the original seam to ensure that it will not show through when lit)
Then gradually wrap and smooth the fabric over the lampshade
(make sure there are no spare threads or other residue as it will show up)

Step 5
Use fabric glue or a glue gun to secure the edge with pressed hem on the outside

Place a peg or two to secure then place a book or kitchen weights to hold in place

Step 6

Trim excess fabric from the top and bottom
Leave only 1-2cm allowance for folding over, 
as before if there is too much seam it will show through when lit (which is exactly what I did and when I turned it on, I was really disappointed and spent all night tossing and turning thinking about ways in which I could fix the mistake)  

Cut short slits where frame is secured, normally at the bottom

Step 7
Apply fabric glue  to the fabric and original lampshade top trim
You can use a glue gun, I preferred not too as it is too hot for such a fiddly task, however this would probably be the most secure fastening
Gradually press, smooth and mould the seam around the circumference of the top
Use pegs to secure as you go
Leave to dry

Step 8
As above for the bottom of the lampshade

Step 9
Add trimmings of your choice
I used pink pom poms from the Eternal Maker and secured it with fabric glue, pinned on while drying with pegs

Your revamped lamp is complete you now have a brand new one off lampshade - Congratulations!

The next project for the main bedroom is covering the headboard.  Tutorial to follow.

I have to admit I am perfectly pleased...

Nice to see you again


Lamp Inspiration

Sunday 15 January 2012

Happy New Year - 2012

So here we are 2012.

It is already the 3rd week in January and I have only just got the chance to wish you all a happy new year! 

I am not sure about resolutions.  I don't know about you but I am my own worst enemy and put myself under so much pressure, and when it comes to setting resolutions I am no different, when the clock strikes 12, I usually go  big on ideas!

Apart from the annual get fit target.

There are usually resolutions that turn up every year!
  • Give more time to my husband 
  • Cut out sugar
  • Be happy
  • Stop picking and biting my nails
  • Find a new job
  • Do more for charity
  • Save money
  • Go on a self spending spree ONLY when I have the money
This year I have decided to do something different.  I am going to work on new projects and learn new skills.

Ironically one of the original new years resolutions was to not take on so much! But here goes.

  1. Learn how to cover a lampshade
  2. Build and maintain a healthy vegetable patch
  3. Make a log store
  4. Frame photos and create a photo wall
  5. Organise more storage solutions
  6. Introduce lots of colour
  7. Learn to bake
  8. Plenty of mini projects with Pop's
  9. Landscape the garden bit by bit
  10. Recondition second-hand furniture

I would still like to think I can  work towards the bigger ones but with much more realistic expectations.  In the meantime I would like to enjoy time spent on the new projects and the skills I acquire along the way.

I will of course be sharing all the the ups,downs, trials, tribulations, successes, failures, the laughs and tears with you.

2012 will be the year of blog tutorials for allthingpp so keep visiting to join in with exciting projects.

What were your resolutions set for 2012.  Please share, I would love to hear them.

Time to get the trainers on for a Sunday morning run - isn't it one of the most satisfying when complete!

Nice to see you again


Friday 6 January 2012

The Christmas of Past

Wow where did that go!

We had an amazing year this year, all because of a perfect little poppet.  She is at the age now where you believe in all things Christmas!  Every little moment shared took me and my husband back to our youth and Christmas' of past.

I completely overwhelmed myself with far too many Christmas craft projects this year, leaving it all far late.  This explains a rather quiet December blog.

I wanted to share my heart decoration tutorial with you in plenty of time for Christmas, but I never got a chance.  I promise to share with you in plenty of time for next year.

In the meantime here is my Christmas in pictures.

Can I have a trampoline please?

A Christmas Eve Kiss!

 Reindeer dust so Santa knows where to land his sleigh.

Carrots for the reindeer, letter to Santa and handmade mince pie from Auntie H. x

 Fill it up please I have been a very good girl!

 Santa's coming!  I can hear him.

 A trampoline - wow!

Did anyone else get a remote controlled flying Nemo?

Really enjoyed a week off with the Pigs - lots of walks, meeting friends, a few drinks and open fires.

 A christmas card from my love - it has pom poms - love it.

A quad bike and an easel - what more could a girl wish for.

Hope all your Christmas wishes came true too.

Nice to see you again!