Friday 15 February 2013

Interview with MArKEt

Next month see's the launch of MArKEt craft fairs, so who better to interview for today's blog, the organiser and very dear friend of mine, Rachel Cruz.

This spring you launch your first craft fairs across Sussex, how are you feeling?
Very excited! Everything is starting to come together now. We have a real eclectic mix of makers. I can’t wait to see all the talent on display under one roof and to open the doors to the public.

How did you get the idea for MArKEt?
I love going to similar events. I realized I had to always travel to get to them though! I also felt there was a demand for something bigger than the local craft fair but more affordable than the designers fairs.

What would you like to achieve from MArKEt?
I really hope to provide a platform for new talent to launch their career and to help connect makers and small businesses to potential buyers. I also wanted to create a contemporary shopping experience with only beautiful, up-to-the-minute things.

Most importantly I want to help support The Prince’s Foundation for Childrenand the Arts, one of the only national charities committed to ensuring that all children are inspired by the arts.

Have you faced any challenges in preparing for the craft fairs?
Nothing major yet (she says touching wood!). The trickiest part is finding the venues – I love beautiful venues but they are not always in the right location, the right size or available. I think we have got there though, West Street Loft in Shoreham, The Old Palace in Worthing and St John’s in Meads are all fantastic venues and are as unique as they are traditional which is exactly what I was looking for.

Do you have any recommendations for fellow crafters thinking about selling to the public?
Go for it! Craft has made a massive comeback and I believe people are seeking out things that set themselves or their home apart from the crowd. I know how hard it is to pluck up the courage to turn a hobby into a business but I believe if you have loved making it someone will love owning it just as much.

Are you a creative person, if so what do you like to make?
I like to think I am! I constantly find myself saying, “I could make that” but I never get round to it. I used to work as a seamstress and I recently went back to college to study silversmithing, I now work in interior design. I love trying new things and learning new skills.

You have an amazing eye for beautiful unique products, how do you know what goes well together? 
I don’t, I think that’s the key. The more eclectic and mis-matched things are I think the better they go together. Wherever possible I try to avoid matching, symmetry and uniformity. Sometimes it works and sometimes it completely doesn’t!

How would you describe your style?
Like the above. Mis-matched! I love mixing old with new, bright colours and monochrome and vintage florals with deckchair stripes.

Do you have a favourite designer, crafter or seller at the moment?
This is a difficult one as I have so many. I have spent a lot of time this last few months researching local crafts people and I have been completely astounded by the amazing talent in Sussex alone. I had to create a board on Pinterest so that I could remember all the wonderful things I was coming across everyday. I must admit I have made a shopping list for MArKEt of things I have already got my eye on!

Which blog is a favourite stalk of yours at the moment?
I wish I made more time to read blogs. I love freebies and tutorials and I am constantly getting new ideas from I Do It Yourself, Eat, Drink Chic and The Making Spot. Probably my favourite locally has to be Pearl and Earl

Thanks Rachel, wishing you all the best with your new venture. 

If you are free please do pop along to one of the Sussex MArKEt events in Spring.

All Things PP will be showcasing, so I would certainly appreciate some visitors.

Nice to see you again.

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