Tuesday 29 November 2011

Elf Time - The Christmas Countdown

Well it is almost here. The beginning of December and the beginning of the Christmas Countdown!

I am soooooo excited this year. It must be the new house! I can not wait to fill the enormous bay window with a beautifully decorated tree, bursting with overly coordinating baubles, beads and bells!

Is this weekend a little to early to start filling the house with Christmas Cheer?  the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.  It is definately not too soon to introduce Poppy to ELF.

In an aim to control some of the unnecessary expenditure on further festive fancies, I began my Christmas Crafting and have made a handmade, embroidered advent calendar. You will find the tutorial here, just in time, fingers crossed!

In preparation, I spent a longtime looking for the perfect handmade advent calendar and was overwhelmed by the choice of handcrafted delights available.  I thought I would share a few of my favourites.

In the end I decided on an adaptation of this adorable tutorial by Allsorts.

Now I just have to wait for all the advent gifts to arrive in the post, then I can fill up all the pockets with lots of little surprises!  I can not wait to hang it up and see Poppy's face the morning of the 1st December 2011 and each morning after that!

I just like to smile, smiling's my favourite!  Just two more sleeps till December!

Nice to see you again

1 comment:

  1. Liking the new font :0) Look forward to the tutorial - I have actually just realised it's the 1st TOMORROW and am now in a panic!!
